Antioxidation as part of skin care
As a child, summer was associated with vacations, carefree. In adulthood, we are left with a substitute for vacations – vacations. While on vacation, most of us shun the laptop and the phone wide open, not wanting to worry about work, just relax and recuperate. In this carefree attitude, however, we must not forget about our health. We often do it – unhealthy yummies, sitting up late, irregularity… This also applies to our skin care.
Try to answer yourself now:
- Has your skin been protected from summer?
- Is your skin well-groomed after summer?
Our skin is a resilient organ with a great capacity for regeneration, but it needs some care on our part.
Where to start?
Definitely from protection! There is a lot of talk about antioxidants and antioxidant protection of the skin. And has anyone ever explained to you what oxidation actually is?
The word “oxidation” comes from “oxygen” (eng. oxygen), and means oxidation. It is what makes the over-ripe apple darken quickly. Every metabolic process that takes place in the cells of our body requires oxygen. Free radicals, or active oxygen molecules – atoms or molecules that are left without vapor – are a kind of waste product of these processes. It is natural for these radicals to strive for balance. To do this, they break up other particles, and those particles break up another and another, causing a wave of destruction throughout the tissue they create.
Through oxidation we age. This includes signs of aging on our skin as well as declining mental performance, which can result in disorders such as Alzhaimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc. Providing the body with antioxidants from the outside can greatly reduce the risk of contracting these diseases, as well as delay the aging process.
What is sometimes surprising is that both oxidants and antioxidants our body can produce on its own. In nature, it is adapted to maintain a balance between the two. Unfortunately, there are more and more oxidants regardless of us. This is caused by atmospheric pollutants, sunlight, cigarette smoke – factors that we are unable to avoid. It is worth mentioning at this point that UVA rays are particularly important in the formation of free radicals. That’s why it’s so important to use sunscreen! In this context, it becomes clear that antioxidant protection in the summer is an absolute necessity if we want to take care of our skin.
Back to the beginning. The job of antioxidants is to remove excess free radicals from our bodies. How does it work? Providing antioxidants is about providing free electrons with which free radicals can bond without causing damage to tissues.
Skin antioxidation
A wealth of antioxidants are colorful vegetables and fruits. In the rankings, blackberries rank highest, not much lower than walnuts – this as a curiosity. However, when it comes to skin antioxidation, the matter is difficult. Why? The skin as an organ is the least “appreciated” by our body. Dehydration is first seen precisely on the skin. Why? Because when the body runs out of water, it first takes it away from the skin. The same works the other way. As we rebuild the body’s water supply, it will be delivered to the skin at the very end, when all other organs have been satisfied.
It’s the same with antioxidants. That’s why facial skin care products containing antioxidants are so highly valued. The cream delivers antioxidants directly to the skin, supporting it in its anti-aging activities.
The most commonly recommended antioxidant is vitamin C, and it is to this that we have dedicated our line of C-flush cosmetics.
C-flush treatments are precisely targeted cosmetics that quickly improve the complexion. They combine the 3 most important features of a modern product: protection, correction and rejuvenation. They act as an invisible mask to catch impurities, neutralize free radicals, and inhibit UV-induced oxidative stress on the skin.
C-flush cream RICH – is a day cream with a rich and nourishing texture, designed for dry skin and skin irritated by overexposure to the sun.
For those who prefer light textures, there is C-flush serum, energizing and refreshing.
Home care is very important, but sometimes it is worth going for a professional cosmetic treatment:
C-flush radiance – a brightening and anti-wrinkle treatment – the treatment uses needle-free mesotherapy and iontophoresis techniques, for which a preparation is used that allows Vitamin C to dissolve in a gel carrier. The treatment is indicated for people with skin with the first signs of aging, tired, dull and lack luster.
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