Diet and acne – do they have a relationship?

Does diet affect acne?

The products we eat affect the appearance and condition of our skin. The number of acne lesions and their severity depend, among other things, on the way we eat. An improper diet containing highly processed products leads to stimulation of sebaceous glands and production of excessive sebum. All this causes the pores on the face to be blocked and sebum and impurities to be trapped inside the skin. This leads to inflammatory lesions, blackheads and pimples.

Diet and acne-prone skin

The diet of a person struggling with acne must not lack healthy, natural products that are a source of vitamins and minerals. Such products will not only positively affect the condition of the skin and help reduce skin lesions, but will have a good effect on our overall health.

First of all, it is good to bet on products containing zinc (regulates the sebaceous glands), fiber, omega 3 acids, B vitamins. Also remember to hydrate the body, water participates in the process of removing toxins from the body.

Acne – what products to include in the diet?

What specific products should the diet of a person with acne contain?

  • vegetables – especially red peppers, broccoli, legumes, carrots, spinach, kale, parsley,
  • whole grain bread, cereals, pasta,
  • liver, eggs,
  • fish and seafood,
  • lean meat,
  • nuts and seeds,
  • canola oil or linseed oil.

Acne – what products to avoid?

So what products should people struggling with acne avoid? It is worth giving up products containing dyes, emulsifiers, artificial additives, preservatives. It is also good to exclude from the diet:

  • sweets and salty snacks,
  • sweet drinks,
  • alcohol,
  • fast food, highly processed foods,
  • spicy seasonings.

A healthy, balanced diet combined with proper care will certainly result in a visible improvement in the condition and appearance of the skin.

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