Massage – 4 benefits

In the daily rush of responsibilities, we often forget about ourselves. We lack time to rest or even eat. However, it’s worth slowing down and allowing yourself to indulge in a pleasure that can be very useful.

How do you do something just for yourself? From a range of options, we are increasingly choosing to visit a beauty salon, physiotherapy office or spa. Sometimes we respond to specific needs of the body in this way, other times we just want to relax. Whatever the case may be, a massage is a real gift for body and spirit.

What is massage

Massage involves the masseur performing specific movements on different areas of the bodyof the person being massaged. These include kneading, rubbing, stroking, and patting movements. Their sequences can sometimes be very complicated. Correctly performing a massage, therefore, requires both solid theoretical knowledge and long practice. What is needed here is, first of all, knowledge of anatomy – the structure of tissues, the work of muscles – and the course of processes in the body. This, by the way, is not the only condition for a good massage. Each massage should be performed at the right pace and rhythm, using the right force. Each massage should be performed at the right pace and rhythm, using the right force.

Types of massage

There are many types of massage, and each performs specific functions. The offerings of beauty salons, therapy rooms and spas vary widely. You can find classical, relaxation, sports, oriental massages. There are deep tissue massages and those that improve the condition of the skin. Special offers are created for pregnant women, couples, athletes and people experiencing various ailments.

Some techniques are based solely on the work of the massage therapist’s hands. Others assume the use of various aids. A separate category is the cosmetics used on this occasion. Sometimes massage is only part of a cosmetic procedure.

Depending on the type of massage, the knowledge of the massage therapist should be professionalized in a specific field. A cosmetologist will focus on other aspects of massage, while a physiotherapist or oriental masseur will focus on others. It’s very important to sign up for the right massage with a professional in his profession. A professional will not only perform the massage correctly, but also advise on the stage of choosing the right treatment. It’s a good idea to check reviews on places that offer massages or beauty treatments. A good sign is the use of quality cosmetics in a given location. This demonstrates the importance placed on the safety and effectiveness of the solutions chosen.

Want to sign up for a cosmetic massage or other treatment using professional products? See which places we recommend.

Remember, however, that the simplest massage is a great way to enhance your home care. In this sense, we are simply talking about applying cosmetics to the skin in slow, circular motions. See how well your skin will respond to this method of pampering.

Now let’s move on to discuss the benefits of a properly performed massage.

Advantages of massage

1. Relaxation and happiness

It has been scientifically proven that under the right circumstances, someone else’s touch stimulates the body to produce endorphins, or happiness hormones. The right touch also reduces nervous tension. We often feel better when someone we trust hugs us, strokes us or just touches us. However, trust is not only a matter of emotional closeness to another person. It’s also a sense that the person has the knowledge and skills in the area we care about.

Professional beauticians and skilled massage therapists are constantly training in techniques for working with the body. As a result, they know how to use touch and a sequence of movements to provide clients with deep relaxation. What’s more – they can make the whole office have a soothing effect on the customer. Soft candlelight, the light aroma of oil, the body covered with a blanket, and in winter, an extra heated bed… perfect conditions!

In summary – massage is a great pleasure. It can become a relaxing ritual that you want to return to often.

2. Health advantages

There is no denying that relaxation and rest have a positive effect on our mental condition. Everyone sometimes needs a break from the stress and hectic pace of daily life. Easing nervous tensions promotes better recovery of the body physically as well. Sleep becomes invigorating, we gain energy and vitality. We can derive all these benefits from a massage or cosmetic treatment, among others.

Proper massage can become a precise method of treating and preventing medical conditions. It can reduce muscle soreness and eliminate spasms. Massage therapists and physiotherapists also help increase the range of motion of specific body parts. Massage treatment can positively affect blood pressure, digestion and other body processes.

3. Cosmetic massage and skin care

It is worth mentioning the contribution of massage to cosmetic treatments. Some treatments are designed to help combat specific skin conditions. Others focus on aesthetic aspects and the overall improvement of skin condition. In both cases, cosmetics distributed by massage better penetrate the skin. As a result, the active substances work precisely and effectively. Moreover, the skillful movements of the beautician’s hands improve microcirculation and skin firmness. Thus, it can be said that cosmetic massage enhances the effect of the entire treatment.

Massage is performed on properly selected cosmetics. High-quality preparations enrich the whole process with additional effects. An example is sacha butter. Their use moisturizes, softens, regenerates and nourishes the skin. What’s more, the active ingredients in the line’s products are highly biocompatible with the skin. They promote the restoration of the hydrolipid barrier, the layer responsible for protecting the skin from external factors.

4. Improve appearance

Nothing adorns a person like a smile and a good feeling! It sounds like a truism, but it is the truth. Stress takes a heavy toll on our health, and consequently on our appearance. Sagging eyes, gray skin and even some facial wrinkles can be the result of a lingering state of tension. Facial massage is a great and non-invasive way to relax and reduce the visual effects of fatigue.

As we have already mentioned, massage improves blood circulation in the skin. But what is the visual effect of this mechanism? Oxygenation of the skin improves skin tone and radiance. What other effects can be expected? The complexion becomes tighter, the face looks younger. Existing wrinkles become shallower and new wrinkles form more slowly. By the way, massages can have a positive effect on the appearance of scars. Scar tissue is reduced during the massage, making the wound mark less visible.

Kobido massage

It is worth looking at a particular type of cosmetic massage, which is Kobido. This recently popular technique is not a new invention – it has origins in Chinese medicine. It was developed as a way to maintain a youthful facial appearance. The Kobido technique is based on complex sequences of movements performed in five stages. The goal of the treatment is to lift the oval of the face, reduce wrinkles and increase skin firmness. What ways of rejuvenation have the developers of Kobido developed? You will read about it soon on our blog.


Try a facial massage as part of your home care routine! The aforementioned sacha butter is not exclusively a cabinet product. They also come in a smaller capacity, in 5 fragrance versions. Each butter contains carefully selected active ingredients. These include the best oils known in cosmetology, such as Sacha Inchi seed oil.

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